Sunday, July 19, 2009

The excitement of a new background

So I'm learning, with some help from my aunt Beth, how to make my blog a little more personal. I have to admit, it's pretty fun trying to find the perfect background for what you want. I have decided on a lovely heart background to stick with the non official Valentine theme of my life since Audrey was born. I'm sure when I have some more time, I might find something a little more perfect. Now to see if I can figure out how to attach a photo...

Thursday, July 9, 2009

A little background

Audrey will be 17 months on the 14th. She is my little Valentine baby. She is super cute, super fun, and super smart. She has quite the personality-she is very friendly, has a great sense of humor, and is a little wild woman. Her interests include running really fast all over the place, swimming, pulling furniture around so she can see in places she's not supposed to be, pointing out body parts that I haven't even taught her yet, and playing with her friends. I have been extremely fortunate in the area of sleep-she has always been a wonderful sleeper. She typically sleeps 12 hours a night and takes a 2-3 hour nap. I know I am lucky and am very appreciative. She has really made my life so enjoyable. I hope to use this blog as a tool to entertain other moms and anyone else who enjoys reading it. It will not be all about Audrey, it will also be about all the other fun I have throughout every day life. Hope you enjoy it!